Feng Shui History

Feng Shui is the belief that people are part of the universe they live in, and so it is the study of the environment with the goal of being in harmony with Nature.

Lao Zi was the founder of Taoism roughly over 5,000 years ago.  From the understanding of Taoism many modalities grew.  One was the study of Nature and natural laws leading to Feng Shui. The Feng Shui Ba Gua are built on the Taoist understanding.  Fu Xi is believed to be the first Chinese sage (supposedly around 3300 BCE thought not certain) who arranged the 8 trigrams we know as the Xian Tian Ba Gua or the Original 8 Trigrams or the Heaven Trigram.

After that, further knowledge and understanding lead to further complexity and refinements over the centuries by several honored Chinese masters and founders of dynasties.

Today we have the ancient Feng Shui knowledge supported by quantum physics, all the sciences, esoteric knowledge, spiritual knowledge, and even religious knowledge.

Humans have always sought to control their environment.  In Feng Shui it is believed that you gain more control by cooperation and support coming from both sides.


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